Accessible to Admin and Account Admin

Signed up for Freshteam? Wondering where to begin. Preferences is the place. Preferences in Freshteam sets what you want in your account, what features, and what sub-features under each feature. Based on your requirement and usage, you can enable or disable whatever you want. The features and actions offered under Preferences change plan wise. Let's dive in to find out more. 

Free Plan

Under the Free plan, you get Recruitment and Talent Management as default, you can enable Employee Information System < HRMS > and Time off if you want to.

Under the Recruit Tab, you can enable Job Fitment Rating to rate a candidate's job fitment and enable Neutral Feedback for Interviews. 

Under the Time off, you can enable Email Notifications and Half Day Leaves. 

Growth Plan

The Growth plan also has Recruitment and Talent Management as default, you can enable Employee Information System < HRMS > and Time off if you want to.

Below are the different options you can enable or disable under Recruit, Timeoff, and Employees. 

Pro and Enterprise Plan

The Pro and Enterprise plan also has the Recruitment and Talent Management as default, in addition to  Employee Information System < HRMS > and Time off you also have, Employee Off-boarding and Employee Onboarding. 

Below are the different options you can enable or disable under Recruit, Timeoff, Onboarding, Off-boarding and Employees.