This article will help you understand the different job posting actions you could perform from the top band. This includes five primary actions - 

1. Add Candidates: You can add candidates to the job listing either directly, from the talent pool, as a referral or by import. If you'd like to know more about these options, read this article.

2. Job Status:  You can check or update the status of the job from the drop-down next to Published. Any job posting could have one of the following statuses - 

  • Publish: Visible on your career and employee portal.
  • Internal: Visible only on your employee portal.
  • Private: Visible only to your hiring team and admins.
  • On-Hold: This is a job posting that's been put on hold with no active recruitment
  • Closed: This shows that the respective job opening has been closed.
  • Delete: You can delete a job posting with this option
  • Make a Copy: You can make a copy of the job posting by clicking on this option

3. Social Sharing: The SHARE section could be used to share the job posting across different social media platforms. 

4. Lists, Filters and Reports: You can

  • Change the view from Kanban view to list view.
  • Change the view from List view to Kanban view.
  • Pull up specific candidate sets by applying filters. You can save these filters as views.

5. View Job Details: This button loads the job information page as seen below; you can edit the job information here and do much more. 

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